112 Main Street, Suite 104 Northborough, MA 01532
508-691-6086 - Fax 508-691-6089


Addiction Doctor in Northborough, MA

Mask mandate ends May 11

Per state and federal guidelines, the mask mandate for medical practices will be ending on May 11.  We will be ending our mask mandate on May 11 as well. Patients and staff are still welcome to wear masks if they choose, and we are more than happy to comply if a patient asks us to…
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outpatient benzodiazepine weaning

  Benzodiazepines are sedating medications that are often called tranquilizers. Commonly prescribed benzodiapines are lorazepam (Ativan®), diazepam (Valium®), clonazepam (Klonopin®), and alprazolam (Xanax®).  This class of medications has many therapeutic uses, but they can also be associated with addiction and dependence. Many individuals who take them for an extended period of time choose to wean…
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outpatient alcohol withdrawal management

It is dangerous to stop drinking alcohol without medical supervision for individuals that are dependent on daily alcohol use (people who experience withdrawal symptoms, such as shakes, sweats, and nausea when they try to stop drinking alcohol). The most serious consequences include Delirium Tremens (“DTs”), and withdrawal seizures. Serious consequences from alcohol withdrawal can result…
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Book recommendations are up

We have posted some book recommendations that are recommended for anyone, but may be particularly helpful to people who are struggling with addiction or are working on their recovery. Some involve understanding addiction and help for addiction, and some involve mindfulness, meaning, and developing habits. These are some of the most commonly recommended books that…
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The Unfortunate Stigma of Addiction

What is stigma? It is a negative term that can be considered a mark of shame.  It is often used to judge or discredit someone. In the case of addiction, it can prevent people from getting the help they need.   The stigma of addiction is an unfortunate reality. It is stigmatized in many families,…
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What is Recovery

What is Recovery?   What does it mean to be in recovery from addiction? The term has different meaning to different individuals. The best definition that I have found is defined by a 2007 consensus panel from the Betty Ford clinic as a voluntarily maintained lifestyle composed and characterized by sobriety, personal health, and citizenship.1…
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Addiction Treatment During the Pandemic

Isolation during the pandemic can be problematic to individuals in recovery, particularly those that are struggling. Contact with support groups, a counselor, or a physician, are traditionally done in a face to face setting. Respecting the social distancing recommendations will save lives by preventing the spread of the coronavirus, but many are missing out on…
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